The Mission Statement as the Foundation of a Strong Brand
"Values cannot be taught, they must be lived" (Viktor Frankl)
A strong brand needs a strong foundation. The manbefair mission statement is the basis for our further development. A central figure in manbefair is the customer. It is our goal that all those who are connected to manbefair in any way, customers, employees, business partners are absolutely happy and satisfied with our work. Honestly, we know that's a high standard, which not only is difficult to measure, but is also difficult to achieve. In the highly competitive environment of the fashion market, all brands have to compete to find their way to be successful. And very often the obstacles seem insurmountable, so that it is anything but easy to follow our own principles and standards. Nevertheless, we are committed to being honest and self-reflecting, and always striving hard to meet these expectations. We try hard!
The Customer is Always Number One.
We are guided by his / her objectives and requirements. With our experience and skills, and each individual's performance, we aim to make our customers very happy with our products and services.
Setting New Standards for Quality and Design.
Therefore each bag is an expressive statement of the wearer. We are creating a framework in which all employees can continuously enhance their technical know-how in combination with their knowledge of high-quality materials, and their sense of new fashion trends.
Long-term collaboration, preferably with small businesses.
Whether they are independent, family or co-operative associations of individual producers or interest groups, our goal is that they and their staff attain sustainable economic stability over access to customers and markets. Price negotiations should take place on a partnership basis excluding profit maximization at the expense of our small suppliers. If we place an order, then it is prefinanced to 50%. This gives the partner and their staff the ability to properly plan.
Fair production conditions i.e. Compliance with high labor standards,
which go far beyond the usual conditions of the industry in the production countries. This includes, of course, the formulation by the World Fair Trade Organization conditions such as
·the exclusion of exploitative child labor and forced labor
·health and safety at work
·the exclusion of discrimination,
·freedom of assembly
·regular working hours
·regular education and training of employees
·"fair pay" that is, a reward that is perceived by the employees in their local context itself as just and which enables them to lead a life of dignity and stability.
"equal pay" that is equal pay for equal work for women compared with men.
Sustainability and respect for the environment,
by the most sparing use of resources such as raw materials and energy, the use of natural materials in manufacturing and minimal impact on nature in the disposal of waste.
Financial stability and success
This enables us to be a long-term value valued partner of our customers, employees and suppliers.
Do you have any questions about our company values? Contact us via email or phone.