Our most popular bag models will soon be available in a new look. This time in a beautiful emerald green. Production has already begun. The sale is expected to start in the second half of October. Here is the popular vintage shopper Göteborg.
Every trip to India is an immersion into a different world. It takes a few days and you have to feel your way around slowly. But when you are open to the other culture, you very quickly start to love the country.
Besucht uns in unserem Atelier und Showrroom in der "Alten Lederfabrik". Hier findet Ihr nicht nur unser reguläres Angebot zum Fühlen, Riechen und Ausprobieren, sondern auch ganzjährig attraktive Angebote und Lager Schnäppchen aus unserem Internet-Verkauf, Musterkollektionen, B-Ware etc.